Even if your career is not related to information technology and development, knowledge of Python will allow you to automate routine tasks, cope with complex problems on your own, and make it easier to develop logical thinking.
It allows you to work faster and more efficiently.
Why Python?
Python is a free and easy-to-learn programming language.
It is available for most operating systems and is used in data analysis, visualization, machine learning, web development, process automation, building bots, and much more.
One of the main advantages of Python is its ease of learning.
So, you don’t need to have a technical background, understanding the basics of mathematics is enough.
The clean and easy-to-read syntax is close to natural English.
It’s dynamic typing allows you to run and test code right in the interpreter while you write your application.
Extensive documentation and libraries for all scenarios allow you to constantly improve your skills in Python.
And use ready-made solutions for common problems.
Python will Teach You to Think
Learning to program provides not only technical knowledge but also a new approach to work.
Programming in any language makes you pay more attention to details and develops logical thinking.
Python is a great example in this regard, as it is easy to learn and use to test ideas in concrete code.
The strength of modern programming languages is that they allow you to write expressive, readable, concise, and precise code.
It is those qualities that are often appreciated even outside the circle of developers.
Python will Make You more Self-contained
Most technical teams have too many projects and not enough time, which means that your top priority request may be of medium or even low priority for them.
Sometimes there is no programmer on the staff for a specialized task and it has to be outsourced, which takes time and money.
If you know how to program, you won’t have to wait for help: you can solve many problems yourself.
Automation scripts, data analysis and much more are easy to implement in Python, even without being a professional developer.
Or you can use ready-made solutions from an extensive database of libraries and repositories, customizing them for your own needs.
This way you will not only save time and money but also increase your credibility.
I believe that everyone should learn to program because it teaches us to think. I see computer science as free art.
Steve Jobs (source)
Knowledge of Python will facilitate communication with developers
Even if you don’t plan to write programs yourself, learning the basics of Python will help you understand what it takes to create a functional application.
Knowing some of the basic concepts and logic of the code will greatly facilitate productive communication with programmers.
Python is undoubtedly one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
It has a huge developer community to help you fulfill your needs and plans.
Python helps You Visualize Data
Data visualization is an attempt to understand information by placing it in a visual context.
This can reveal patterns, trends, and correlations that you would not otherwise find.
Today we often have to deal with large amounts of information that needs to somehow be presented, organized and analyzed.
Visual forms help to display numbers in the form of a concrete picture of the world.
Graphs, charts and animations are much easier to understand than databases and columns of numbers.
They allow you to make visual presentations and share general knowledge with colleagues, clients, partners and superiors.
Python offers some great graphics libraries with many different features.
Whether you want to create interactive, live, or custom graphics, there is always a tool out of the box.
Python will Automate Repetitive Tasks
Knowledge of Python will help you automate almost any task.
You just need to install the interpreter and the necessary tools on your computer.
There are over 130,000 libraries to choose from, so the tricky part of the process can be figuring out which ones to use for a specific purpose.
From sending emails to searching the Internet for a specific topic, there are hundreds of boring tasks a computer can do for you.
This does not require extensive programming knowledge: once you master the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), you will open up a whole world of new possibilities.
If you are a secretary or office administrator, save a couple of morning hours by updating some documents or presentations and mailing out using the script that was launched at night.
The manager can run a review of the reports through scripts before sending them to the next level.
Python allows interoperability with many other platforms and technologies.
You can import information from SQL, cleanse data, create analysis parameters to save to a spreadsheet, be it Excel or Google Sheets, and send it by email.
A simple script will complete these steps in a matter of minutes.
Building Bots in Python
Over the past few years, Python bots have become popular in technology and business.
Bots are programs that process requests from people in natural languages.
They usually complete simple and repetitive tasks much faster than human personnel.
Bots are often used to crawl web pages where an automated script retrieves, analyzes, and stores information.
Bots can be roughly divided into two main types: rule-based and self-learning.
The first approach involves answering questions according to the rules set by the developer.
In the second case, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods are used.
Python has a whole arsenal of libraries for creating bots for any platform and task.
An example is the ChatterBot library, which is designed to automatically deliver responses to user input.
It uses a combination of machine learning algorithms to generate many different types of responses.
This allows you to write chatbots in Python that will communicate with people and solve various problems.
From an answering machine for customers to analyzing data and searching for information on the network.
Machine learning algorithms help improve program performance over time.
Parsing Sites with Python
Often, while working, we need to analyze some information from the network.
Collect data on the pricing policy of competitors or a database of images of a specific product.
All this is in the public domain, but manual search will take a lot of time.
In Python, you can create a site parser that will do all the repetitive work much faster than a human.
Parsing is a method of extracting information from websites that is based on converting unstructured HTML data from the Internet into structured data: databases or spreadsheets.
What’s the bottom Line?
- Python is easy to learn and will help you start thinking more logically and consistently, and pay attention to detail when solving problems;
- Knowledge of Python will allow you to independently solve problems for which you previously had to hire a programmer;
- Knowledge of Python will help you communicate more effectively with programmers and technical staff, better understand their tasks and methods;
- Python helps a specialist far from programming in the analysis and visualization of information;
- Python scripts can save you a lot of time by automating repetitive tasks;
- Python is widely used to build bots and automatically collect information on the Internet.
Knowledge of the basics of programming in Python allows you to optimize the work of the manager.
Whether you need to collect and visualize information, perform repetitive operations, communicate with developers, or answer typical customer questions, the Rising Teq online education platform’s Python course is worth a look.
After completing the training, you can quickly personalize mailings, automatically collect information on the Internet.
Analyze customer data and solve other problems faster and more efficiently.
Specialized skills are not required for this: the program assumes mastering Python from scratch.